
Serving is usually decided by a toss of a coin or spin of a racket. The server has 2 chances to serve in otherwise the opponent gets the point.

A player loses a point if they fail to return the ball in either the correct areas on the court, hits the net and doesn’t go into opponent’s area or fails to return the ball before it bounces twice in their half.

The server must serve each point from alternative sides on the base line. At no point must the server’s feet move in front of the baseline on the court prior to hitting their serve.

The ball can hit any part of the line for the point to be called in, outside the line and the ball is out.

Keeping score:

For a player to win a game, they must win with at least a two point lead.

If the score is tied at 40 to 40 then you are at deuce which means a player must earn two consecutive points to win the game. When a player gets a point now, they have the “Advantage” point. If the player who has an “Advantage” point loses the next point, the score will be “Deuce” once again.

A set is won when a player has won a minimum of six games with a two game advantage over his opponent. If the score is tied at 5 - 5, a player must win 2 consecutive games before he wins a set such as 7-5. If the score is 6-6, then they must play a tiebreaker.
